About the Centre
The CCSTP acts as network and focal point through which likeminded groups within the Catholic community can more easily collaborate with one another.
There are considerable benefits of Catholic social thought and practice being in close, constructive conversation. It is useful for those studying, writing about, and influencing Catholic social thought to be closer to the day-to-day realities of those acting in society.
And it is useful for those acting in society to be more conscious of the thinking behind and expressed through their actions – not only the causes and consequences of poverty and injustice worldwide, but also the motivations behind tackling it in particular ways.
The idea is that together, by sharing their own gifts, traditions, and areas of expertise and concern, likeminded groups can avoid duplicating work; mutually reinforce and enrich one another; and plug any gaps that are being missed with joint projects.
Our founding affiliated organisations include many of the key institutional bodies nurturing Catholic social thought and practice in the UK: CAFOD, CSAN, the Von Hügel Institute at Cambridge, the Las Casas Institute at Oxford, and Durham University’s Centre for Catholic Studies.
We expect our affiliate base to grow as the work of the Centre develops and we warmly welcome contact and collaboration with other interested individuals, groups and organisations.